Overall Contentful Architecture
This is the entire structure of the website to manage content.
Akshay Shriram
A new and updated version of ContentModel.io is coming with many exciting new features 👀
ContentModel.io draws a diagram of your content model so that you can more easily understand it
Visualize content modelThis is the entire structure of the website to manage content.
Akshay Shriram
This is the entire structure of the website to manage content.
Akshay Shriram
To visualize the content model
Rakesh Kuchana
Test Content model
Designed content model for poc as part of training.
Rakesh Kuchana
You can quickly import your content model from Contentful through the process of safe authentication, or by importing an export file generated by Contentful CLI. When you visualize your content model, you have the option to share it publicly in our content models library, or you can keep it private.